Monday 18 September 2006

18th September 2006 Fair Isle Calm misty at first becoming foggy

Twitched onto Fair Isle when, on arrival, received the unbelievable and dreadful news that my good friend and respected birder Kevin Johnston had just passed away - we had exchanged texts just a couple of days earlier with respective birding news from Filsham and Shetland - the Pechora Pipit, rather fittingly haunting the reedbed of Fair Isle, will always be for you Kev...

Ruff 4
Kestrel 1
Swallow 2
Swift 1
Skylark 8
Fair Isle Wren 1
Whinchat 4
Wheatear 6
Tree Pipit 4
Meadow Pipit 50
PECHORA PIPIT 1ex UK 494 Delicate compared to Meadow Pipit. Call ‘plup’ on being flushed from the reeds in the Meadow Burn at Quoy. Later a series of ‘pip pip pip’ when flying from ram field back to Meadow Burn. Pale pink legs. Short hindclaw. Broad white wingbars. Broad white tramlines running down scapulars with a hint of a second parallel stripe. Buffish suffusion to upper breast. Upper breast heavily streaked black. Gorget of heavy streaking very narrow. Rufescent suffusion to neck-sides. Heavy double row of broad streaks on flanks. Looked dark in flight. Stout base to triangular bill. Dark u shaped mark under eye. Primaries projecting beyond exposed tertials.
Song Thrush 2
Garden Warbler 5
Willow Warbler 7
Chaffinch 1

Pechora Pipit in Meadow Burn on Fair Isle (Paul Baxter)